Back to work. Write the memo.
Oh good, no phones, just correspondence today.
I have to get the notice to the Railroad Museum today to let volunteers know he passed and when the services are.
Len passed away? I just saw him.
Yes, he was here 3 weeks ago. It got to be too much and he resigned from the mail car.
So sorry to hear.
Didn't I meet you on May 10 at the museum docent recognition dinner?
Yes, he was quite excited we could all be there with him.
I so enjoyed knowing him...
Did you know he found a picture of a high school chum in the dining car?
He was working in the car and saw a picture of a girl he knew waving to a soldier.
I leave, notice will be posted.
My mind is going in circles.
I see a friend in the bike room.
She reminds me of what is important.
Are you taking care of yourself? I know you.
In my mind Kimmy is saying are you taking your meds mom?
Yes, I am Kim. Yes, I am doing too much. No, I am not taking care of myself.
Go to family meeting.
Plan, agree, make lists.
Mother says, here are your pink glasses. You left them at the bank.
I put them in my purse.
Go home.
I've decided, no work for the rest of the week.
Finally sleep.
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